Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017

Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017. Hello friends, I know many of visitors have own blog for sharing their knowledge worldwide people’s. In Blogger and wordpress we can create a blog in less than a minute. And we can post anything about all things in a short time. But without seo your blog is like a personal diary. We need to follow proper seo guides for search engines notify our blog. In my opinion many bloggers still now, don’t know about how to optimize blog posts for on page seo and off page seo. So that am gonna share your Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017 for improve your seo score in google and other search engines. In my personal experience in blogger and wordpress am facing many troubles in search engine ranking.
Do you have a blogger blog or wordpress site?. And still now not able to understand why your blog posts not indexed in google even if you have healthy traffic?. Here is some of my on page seo techniques for you. Just follow the below guides to rank your site well in search engines.
For bloggers i recommend, At first write fresh unique contents with proper post structure for better understanding for your blog visitors. Don’t copy articles from other sites and blogs. In My experience in blogging, many blogger blog admins copying my blog posts make money with adsense. If you have also problem with copy paste bloggers. Then you should immediately report these sites on google dmca. Because by having too much of copywriter bloggers, your bog getting disturbed in google for index your posts. Let’s we go for today topic Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017. It’s not the harder thing for seo. Just keep the below things on your mind before publishing your articles.

Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017 :

Choose Post Title Between 60 To 70 : According To search engine experts, Title tag is important for tell about your content in search engines and your blog visitors. So use mainly targeted keyword in your title tag and choose the title between 60 to 70 chaecters.
Use Meta Description : Meta Description is the important thing in search engines. You need to tell about your contents in meta description shortly between 146 to 150. Using meta description with 146 – 150 characters gives better result in search engines. Otherwise your meta description will ignored by search engines.
Heading Tag : Heading tag is important for on page seo while writing blog post. You need to use h2 and h3 tags in your posts for index the content well. There are some limits for using heading tags in search engines. Use only one h1 Tag Per page. And use h2 tags in post paragraph titles. H2 tag shuld be less than 10 numbers in your page for better result in indexing.

Optimize Post For Higher Seo Result :

Image Optimization : It’s very simple to use image optimization blogger and wordpress. You can Just use your post titles in alt tags for images. Alt tags is important to get your images indexed in google image search results.
Post Url Permalink Structure :  Choose the post permalink carefully. In wordpress you should choose your custom permalink with seo friendly permalink structure. Don’t use any special characters like symbols and underscores in your url’s. Because url will get ignored in google sitemap.
Internal Linking : Internal Links Are helpful one for give traffic to your other blog posts and search engine will crawl your url. While writing article, Also link the same category similar post in your current post. Internal linking with nofollow tag will getting better result in search engines.
Organic Keywords : Use Keyword Tools for generate bulk traffic from search engines. Keywordtool and lsigraph will help you to get your targeted keyword related mostly searched contents. Use the keywords in your title tag and meta description. Also add the keyword with h2 tag in your post for better result.

Basic Blog Seo Procedures:

Submit Sitemap To Search Engines : I Know all of you using google webmaster tools and bing webmaster tools for submit your sitemap. But choose the correct sitemap in your blog and submit them on search engines. Create custom sitemap for blogger and wordpress and submit them too with your sitemaps.
Robots.Txt : Robots.txt helps search engines for crawl your site. use proper robots tag in vlogger and wordpress for getting good result. Adding sitemap url in robots tag will helps you to search engines crawl your sitemap via robots header tag. But this is slightly unwanted one for robots tag. Add your sitemaps in search engines manually. It will helps you to get indexing faster.
Increase Your Post Length : While am browsing some blogs in my free time. There are many bloggers writing contents too small. Actually in less than 200 words, what you gonna share with your blog posts?. Just write blog posts more than 350 words. Because your post length is important to get better result. Also you can increase your seo quality by writing more words about your blog.
Backlink : What is backlink and how to use it?. Backlink is the important one for increase your domain authority of your blog and get well indexing in search engines. But many bloggers using backlink in wrong manner. Don’t get more than 2 backlink from the same site. Just link your related content url while commenting on others site and getting backlink from other services. Don’t use your blog title all time. If you gonna comment any seo related post in other blog. Just paste link of your seo related article from your blog while comment.

Avoid Bot Traffic :

Paid Bot Traffic : Using paid bot traffic is stupid thing for boost alexa rank for free. Search engines requires quality traffic for index your posts and pages. So don’t use iframe views and bot traffics for generate traffic for your blog posts manually. Just focus on natural traffic and gain search engine visits.
Don’t Use Too Much Of Ads : Advertisements are the ways to earn money from blogger and make money in blogging. On the internet many sites offering ads for your site and gives earnings for ad clicks. Except banner ads, Pop under ads are too irritating for users. Also search engines got issues by your ad redirects. Not only views, annoying advertisements can hurt your site loading time by javascript. Use less javascripts in webpage for improve site loading time.
Site Loading Time / Site Speed : Site speed is important for getting good traffic in search engines and other social networks like facebook. Yes, now a days everything comes to mobile. 70% Users using search engines in mobile [Survey Said]. So google optimized mobile search results for better experience in search results. In this time google launches googleweblight launched by google for browse faster in low speed loading sites. Check your site with google mobile friendly site checkup for fix your problems in mobile view.
Adsense : Yes, Adsense also important in Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017. Use ad units in proper placements and avoid unwanted places like important paragraph. Am saying this because of some blog admins using adsense link ads between post paragraphs for getting more clicks. Actually it will hurt your seo. Also it’s against adsense terms and conditions.
Templates : Use seo optimized blogger templates and seo friendly themes for wordpress. Don’t show your css intelligence in blogger and wordpress too much. Use responsive blogger templates.


Which Template I Shoud Use for Better Result in Seo And How To Getting Them for Free : 
The below types of blogger templates recommended by me : Seo Friendly Responsive Blogger Templates. Mobile Optimized Blogger Templates. Blogger Seo Templates. Seo blogger templates are widely available as much you want in many theme sites. For wordpress users, Don’t use free themes in wordpess, am also using free themes first time and switched to premium seo template. And got good results in improved seo.
So Guys this post will help you to understand blogger and wordpress Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017 for improve your search engine score. Share your thought about this post and share your seo problems with me. I will respond you shortly and clear your problems.
Tags : Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017, on page seo checker, on page seo factors, on page seo checklist 2017, on page seo best practices, on page seo definition, on page seo techniques, on page seo analysis, on page seo template, on page seo audit, on page seo grader


  1. A good Information you had provided here regarding on page seo techniques. May it will helps more to get rank a website easily.

    Digital Marketing Agency Chennai

  2. Thank You for sharing Latest On Page Seo Techniques 2017
